Kirkens historie

Hvorfor ligger Opstandelseskirken i sognets absolut yderste hjørne?
Opstandelseskirken var egentlig tiltænkt en placering midt i sognet. Herstedvester kommune gav i 1964 tilsagn om en kirkegrund i Svanens Kvarter midt i sognet, men trak senere gavetilsagnet tilbage. Menighedsrådet lagde sag an mod kommunen, men denne fik ved højesteretsdom af 12. marts 1975 medhold, hvorefter menighedsrådet i stedet måtte placere byggeriet på grunden ved Nordmarks Allé og Gymnasievej, hvor kirken ligger i dag.

Stadier på kirkens vej
1963 Kirkesagen kommer i gang, da Herstedvester sogn er vokset betydeligt. Man planlægger at udskille det nye sogn således, at Roskildevej danner grænsen mellem Herstedvester sogn og det nye sogn i Albertslund Syd.

1966 Medens der ventes på den nye sognekirke, afholdes der gudstjenester på Kongsholmskolen.

1973 Gudstjenesterne flyttes til restaurant Kanaljens selskabslokaler, Kanalens Kvarter 164.

1982 Grundstensnedlæggelse til den nye kirke finder sted søndag den 29. august.

1984 Sognegården til den nye kirke tages i brug, idet den første højmesse i komplekset fejres i søjlesalen søndag den 8. januar.

1984 Opstandelseskirken indvies påskedag den 22. april, og Albertslundkoret medvirker ved indvielsen.

Kirkens arkitekter, ægteparret Inger og Johannes Exner, har tegnet komplekset, så dets grundtræk minder om verdens ældste eksisterende kirke, Fødselskirken i Bethlehem, fra år 326 og nogle byzantinske kirker fra 500-tallet. Disse kirker har alle et otte-kantet (oktogonalt), centralt kor.

Uden om kirkerummet ligger så forhallen, gårdhaven og forskellige siderum, ligesom Roskilde domkirkes "koromgang" og protestantiske centralrumskirker fra 1700-tallet.

Why is The Resurrections Church situated extreme in the absolute corner of the parish?
Originally, The Resurrection Church was intended a sitting in the middle of the parish. In 1964, the municipality of Herstedvester gave a promise of a site in Svanens Kvarter in the middle of the parish, but later withdrew the promise of the gift. The parish council sued the municipality, which however had its contention upheld by the Supreme Court on March the 12th 1975. The parish council then had to build the church on the location at Nordmarks Allé amd Gymnasievej, where the church stands today.

Stages on the way of the church
1963 The issue of a new church begins, as the parish of Herstedvester has grown considerably. It is planned to separate the new parish in such a way, that Roskildevej constitutes the boundary between the parish of Herstedvester and the new parish in Albertslund South.

1966 During the building of the new parish church, service is held at Kongsholm school.

1973 The services are relocated to the former assembly rooms of the restaurant Kanaljen, Kanalens Kvarter.

1982 The stone-laying ceremony of the new church takes place on Sunday, the 29th of August.

1984 The parish community centre is put into service, as the first morning service in the complex is celebrated in the peristyle on Sunday, the 8th of January.

1984 The Resurrection Church is consecrated on Easter Day, the 22nd of April. The Albertslund Choir takes part in the consecration.

The inspiration
The architects of the church, the married couple Inger and Johannes Exner, have designed the complex in such a way that its essential features resemble the world's oldest church still in use, the Birth Church in Bethlehem from 326 A.D., and some Byzantine churches from the 6th century. These churches all have an octagonal, central choir.

Round the church room lie the vestibule, the atrium, and various siderooms, inspired by the "choir walk" of Roskilde Cathedral and Protestant churches with a central room from the 18th century.

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